The In-Home Tutors Blog
Our blog covers any topic we feel is of interest to parents raising healthy, intellectually-curious children. You’ll find learning tips, suggestions for fun activites with your kids, and some nuts and bolts advice on such topics as note-taking and SAT/ACT prep.
Safe Online Activities for Kids When They’re Inside All Winter
Sure, snow is fun and your kids will love being outside (bundle up!). But there are many cold, gray days where they have to stay inside. Thankfully, you can help your children this winter by using the internet. With the right sites and online...
The Benefits of Regular Tutoring
At the start of the new school year, let’s address some typical questions parents ask. “When should we start tutoring?” Regular tutoring from the start of the school year or new semester is best. Your child will need fewer sessions per week, and...
7 Unconventional After-School Activities for Your Teenage Kids
Not all kids takes to sports or marching band. Here are seven alternate after-school activities that will keep them off their phones and engage their minds and bodies.
Tips for Parents who Work from Home Full-Time
While working from home is ideal for many people, it has always come with its challenges. Some of the most common struggles include staying motivated, maintaining productivity, and balancing work and home life. And when you’re a parent with kids...
Writing Tips for High-School Essays and Papers
Writing assignments are difficult for many students but there are a few minor interventions parents can make at the right time to make the process easier and ensure a better grade. Here are some writing tips that can help your child improve essay...
Take the Kids Outside and Fight Nature-Deficit Disorder
Something a little different for parents to read while its cold outside and the kids are inside playing their computer games. Our guest author Jenna Sherman of Parent-Leaders says our kids’ increasing disconnect with the outdoors has real negative...